Ways to help yourself
Other expert help
There are other service providers who you may find helpful to talk to.
Self assessment tool
There is hope and help available if you need it.
GamCare offer a self-assessment tool to help you understand the impact gambling is having in your life.
NHS support with problem gambling
The NHS can support with stopping and treatment. Complete their questionnaire to understand if you experience problem gambling.
Money and mental health
Learning how mental health and money are connected may help if you’re struggling. Mental health charity MIND, offer practical tips on managing your money and improving mental health.
Support from Samaritans
Samaritans are there for anyone who needs someone, without judgement. If you need to talk, call a Samaritan on 116 123 for free.
Worried about missing payments with us?
If you have a mortgage, credit card, loan or arranged overdraft with us and have missed a payment, gone over your limit or think you may do, please reach out so we can help you.
Help with managing your money
If you're struggling to keep on top of your outgoings and need some support, especially with the rise in the cost of living, we're here to help you.
Money management with GamCare
For information and advice on managing the impacts gambling can have on your finances.