How long payments take to appear

Cash payments at a cash machine

If you paid cash into your account without an envelope using a Nationwide cash machine, the money should be added to your account immediately.

If you paid cash into your account with an envelope using a Nationwide cash machine, the money should be added to your account the next working day.

Get in touch with us if the money hasn’t appeared in your account.

Why is there a difference in timings?

If you use an envelope our cash machine won't automatically count your cash. When the machine is emptied we will count your cash and add it to your account. This won't be later than the next working day.


How long your cheque takes to clear depends on how you deposited it with us.

If your cheque still hasn’t cleared after these times, get in touch with us.

What to do if the money still hasn't cleared

Please get in touch with us as soon as possible.


If you used a Nationwide cash machine, but you're not a Nationwide card holder, you'll need to contact your bank or building society as soon as possible.

Chat to us online

  1. Log in to our Internet Bank (opens in a new window)
  2. Select Need help? Send us a message from the left-hand menu
  3. Select Chat with us
  4. Type Money hasn't cleared into our web chat
  5. You'll be transferred to one our team members, who will be happy to help

Call us

7 days a week, 8am to 8pm (GMT).

Visit a branch

Speak to one of our team in your local branch.
