What you'll be charged for conversion

There are different charges when paying for something or taking out money in EEA currencies (opens in a new window). This includes if you use your card in person or online, whether by contactless, using a digital wallet stored on your phone or with any other method of card payment. For example, charges for converting money, fees for different current accounts and charges that individual shops apply for using your card.

For converting your money, what you’ll be charged depends on:

  • the currency conversion rate – this is the daily Visa exchange rate; and
  • the Nationwide non-sterling transaction fee – some of our cards include a fee when you make a payment or take out money in a non-sterling currency.

Together, these are the currency conversion charges we talk about on this page.

Other fees for using your card abroad

As well as the currency conversion charges, there may be other fees for using your card abroad. For example, you may be charged by a retailer or a cash machine.

Before you use your card to pay for something in a non-sterling currency or when on holiday, make sure you understand what you’ll be charged.

EEA currency conversion calculator

How the calculator works

The difference between the total currency conversion charges and the European Central Bank (ECB) reference rate is shown as a percentage mark up. This lets you compare the currency conversion charges of different providers.

All banks and building societies are required to use the latest reference rates issued by the ECB to help you compare these charges.


Percentage mark up when using your card in an EEA currency

The following tables display the current ECB percentage mark up for each EEA currency. You can use these to compare charges with those of other providers.

Currency conversion charges for credit and debit card transactions made in the EEA


Keep in mind

The ECB reference rate changes at 3pm on working days, using:

  • Visa’s exchange rate for transactions settled that day
  • the current ECB reference rate.

Visa uses its own currency conversion rate. This is applied on the day Visa gets your transaction details for processing. The exchange rate and the percentage mark up may not be the same as the one that applied on the day you made the transaction.