Measuring our progress

To create a truly inclusive culture, we seek to drive transparency to understand where we are making progress and where we need to improve. Our inclusion measures help us monitor how inclusive our culture is. In April 2023, 84% (2022: 81%) of our colleagues, felt everyone had an equal opportunity to thrive, regardless of background.

Our diversity measures, which underpin our Mutual Good Commitment, are reported each month to the Board and the leadership team. We continue to build trust with colleagues and improve how we capture diversity data, allowing us to better understand who is applying for job roles, and the impact of our people processes and decision on differing demographics in our workforce. In June 2023, we launched an inclusion, diversity and wellbeing dashboard to our leadership team, providing transparency on progress across our business and putting data into decision-makers hands to drive accountability and progress. We are also committed to reducing our gender and ethnicity pay gaps. More information can be found in our gender and ethnicity pay gaps review.

Inclusion and wellbeing

We want our people to feel empowered so they can bring out the best in themselves and in others, whatever their background, identity or circumstances. To ensure our people feel this way, we have measures for both inclusion and wellbeing.

We ask specific questions in our colleague sentiment surveys to form a score. We're only able to form scores based on the answers given by employees who chose to complete the survey. These questions include feeling able to be yourself, having equal opportunities, leadership commitment, managing mental health, workloads and personal growth.

The average score gives us an overall score for inclusion and another for wellbeing. The table below shows our position as of 5 April 2023:

Measuring inclusion and wellbeing at work
April 2023 Goal for 2023
Inclusion 86% Greater than 79%
Wellbeing 79.7% Greater than 71%


We measure diversity at different levels. We track gender at a senior level and the following across all levels of the organisation:

  • ethnicity
  • disability and long term conditions
  • LGBTQ+

Each year we review our progress and set an interim measure for the following year to help us stay on track to meet them.

The table below shows our progress and our interim measures for this financial year, and the longer-term 2028 measures.

Diversity measures and targets
April 2023 position March 2023 original target March 2028 target
Senior women 36.1% 36.2% 50.0%
Ethnicity (senior only) 6.6% 7.9% 12.0%
Ethnicity (all employees) 12.1% 12.8% 15.0%
Disability (senior only) 6.7% 5.4% 8.0%
Disability (all employees) 6% 6.0% 12.0%
LGBTQ+ (senior only) 2.8% 2.4% 4.0%
LGBTQ+ (all employees) 3.9% 3.7% 4.0%